Thursday, May 22, 2008

Warning signs.

I woke up Wednesday with a runny nose. This means I'm pushing to hard and not getting enough sleep so i better back off. I stayed off the bike and managed to get a good nights sleep as Emma only had 1 feed at 2am. When morning came i felt better and my nose had stopped running. Incredible what rest does. I am missing weight training tonight and will just have a cruse on the Tour of the Burgs. It is a fine line, i need a little riding as i have the 12 hour at Bendigo on Saturday but also need rest more so the cold doesn't develop. My experience tells me to rest and let the race do it's job, which is to raise my fitness level a little more.


Jason Jackson said...

Hmmm, I need rest but I go out and ride the tour of the burbs??????????????????????
Please explain!??

Jason Jackson said...

rest (countable and uncountable; plural rests)

(uncountable) The relief from work or activity afforded by sleeping; sleep.
The sun sets, and the workers go to their rest.
(uncountable) Any relief from exertion; a state of quiet and recreation.
We took a rest at the top of the hill to get our breath back.
Peace, freedom from trouble, tranquillity.
Outside my window, the ocean was at rest.
The repose afforded by death.
She was laid to rest in the village cemetery.
(music) A pause of a specified length in a piece of music.
Remember there's a rest at the end of the fourth bar.
(music) A written symbol indicating such a pause in a score.
(physics, uncountable) Absence of motion.
The body's centre of gravity may affect its state of rest.
(snooker, countable) A stick with a U-, V- or X-shaped head used to support the tip of the cue when the cue ball is otherwise out of reach.
Higgins can't quite reach the white with his cue, so he'll be using the rest.
(countable) Any object designed to be used to support something else.
She put the phone receiver back in its rest.
He placed his hands on the arm rests of the chair.

[edit] Synonyms(sleep:) sleep, slumber
(relief from exertion:) break, repose, time off
(freedom from trouble:) peace, quiet, silence, stillness, tranquility
(repose afforded by death:) peace
(object designed to be used to support something else:) cradle (of a telephone), support

I searched for your meaning but had no luck!

Randall said...

He was resting. I dragged him up the cutting, through the 2 round-a-bouts and all the way to the lights at the bottom of the last climb.