Monday, May 26, 2008

Monday 26th May

The problem with a race finishing at 10pm is i can't sleep afterwards. After a restless night and a lack of sleep we had a family roast lunch to catch up and celebrate family birthdays. By 6pm i was falling asleep on the couch and told to go to bed.

I must have needed rest as i slept through to 8am starting work a little late. I was on the jackhammer digging a footing for a front fence most of the day. I got it done just before the concrete turned up and filled the trench back in.

With a quick freshen up i was off to Rosanna Remedial Massage to complete the recovery. The only real sore bit was the arches of my feet. Now i can sharpen up for the weekend.

On the weekend i used the Ascend protein during the race. They claim it recovers you faster and this is proof. During enduro races you need a hit of protein every 5 hours to keep yourself performing. This was the first time i have really been able to test this product under race conditions and i am very impressed. There was no stomach upsets and it seemed to satisfy my hunger. It is great to be drinking a choclate milkshake while racing. I pulled up so well that i even went for a easy ride Sunday morning.

1 comment:

tjsr said...

You say you need "a hit of protein every 5 hours" of a race - how much in quantity would you consider is necessary?