Saturday, July 12, 2008

Preparing to leave.

Saturday morning and i was out at 3am for one last long ride before leaving for Canada. I meet Jason (Felt epix) at 4am and we headed into the Dandynongs. After that i decided to cut the ride short as i had alot to do before i left. The day was spent packing and spending time with family.

Sunday i squeezed in a trainer session for an hour in the morning. Now i am just double checking i have everything and all is organized with the business before i leave Monday.

Kate is truly a great wife and mother who always puts her family first. For the next 3 weeks she will have to look after 2 children and run the Bricklaying business on her own. It means more than words can say that i am able to go to Canada to have a chance at the 24 World Championships. I love Kate and my children very much and will miss them dearly.

1 comment:

Steve Caddy said...

Good luck socking it to them, eh!

Ummm, can you recommend anyone to do a building inspection on the west side of town?