Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Tuesday 17th June.

I was up early and on the trainer before work today. It seems to be coming together now. With a rest day yesterday the legs recovered better than ever. Tuesday's sessions are usually tough as i normally haven't recovered fully from the weekend. All the data feedback was telling me it was like i was fully recovered. It's a good sign when you start to recover fast. You must be careful though not to over cook yourself when this starts happening as sometimes there is a delayed affect.

On the home front Mitchell is back to his usual self, full of beans and ruining a muck. Emma is sleeping longer between feeds. This is great because Kate and i are getting a better sleep. Kate has had the all clear from the obstetrician and can resume her gym and running again. She walks with both Mitchell and Emma in the pram and Fraser our dog for over an hour each day.

We also finalized our house plans for Bright today and they will be ready for town planing shortly. We are both starting to get excited about finally having our own place.

Mark Fenner is now in Canmor and sending us back info on the course and weather condition ect. You can log onto his blog at http://www.ftptraining.wordpress.com/

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