Sunday, November 23, 2008

A ride to the playground.

Sunday the sun broke through the clouds so dad took me on a bike ride to the playground.

It was a fun ride to get their traveling through the back allies of Balwyn.

I took a big tumble when my front wheel got stuck in a hole.

Fraser was leading the way to the playground and i couldn't get their fast enough.

At first i played on the slide.

Then i played on the swing.

The rocking Kangaroo was so much fun.

Then dad left me hanging on the monkey bars. I could have hung their all day.

Leaving the playground i had another big crash.

All was good though. Dad said it i have to keep my hands on the handlebars until i get a bit older.

On the way home their was heavy traffic on the footpath. i had to pull over to let the pamphlet trolleys past.

Dad has also been teaching me to cross the road safely. Looking right and left checking for cars.

I always practice my curb hoping when crossing the road.

The final stretch home was flat out. I was even out pacing Fraser.

We went so fast on the way home we had to wait for dad to catch up and open the gate.


JaredKing said...

Hey John,

It's your cousin Jared from up in bris.

What is your email address? Cant find it for the life of me!

John Claxton said...

Hi Jared

best email to get me on is

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
