Sunday, September 16, 2007

Werribee 12 Hour

No better way to get back into riding after a short break, than to have a race. An email from the Felt Team a week earlier asking if i would like to race with them at Werribee was just what i needed after things went pear shaped at the worlds.

With it all hush hush that i would be racing with the Felt team, i wandered around chatting with everyone pretending i was just there to watch. The race started and Jack buried himself to open the bank account by wining the prologue. Jason and Ash took the pressure off me by sending me out with a good buffer. After not ridding for 2 weeks the first lap was a shock to the system. To my surprise i was only 20 seconds off fastest lap (incredible what rest can do). Being so close to the fastest lap i thought i would have a shot. With a clear lap i was able to do this adding to the days bank account. Into the night and the Specialized Team not far behind we had to keep punching out the quick laps and by the end i was feeling the toll, cramping the whole way round my last lap.

In the end we had a win and an enjoyable day. The new lighting system from Nightlightning provided plenty of light for us to set the fastest night laps. My Giant Advance made the rocky course easy to negotiate.The Geax tyres were fast and bomb proof yet again.

Also i would like to congratulate Ben Randall an his Solo win. Looks like i will have even more competition from now on.

Now if you want to know how fast it was at the 24 Hour Worlds. Imagine starting a 24 hour race as fast as my first few laps and then just trying to maintain that pace for the rest of the race (no joke).

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